Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sometimes I'll have a word of the day. I really enjoy the history of words (etymology), and being married to an English Major, sometimes I actually have one up on him when it comes to words, but not very often. So, if I hear a new word, i'll try and look it up and find the definition and origin!!

Word of the day: jonesing, found on the KnittingHelp.com website

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* 1 English
o 1.1 Noun
o 1.2 Etymology
o 1.3 Intransitive verb
jones (plural joneses)
1. An addiction or intense craving.
I've got a basketball jones!

Ed Boland, in the New York Times, March 2002, attributes the term to heroin addicts who frequented Great Jones Alley in New York City between Broadway and Lafayette.
Intransitive verb
to jones (joneses, jonesing, jonesed)
1. To have an intense craving.
I'm jonesing for some basketball.
2. To steal or to take, usually without permission.
Hey, I'm going to jones some cookies from Cory.

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